Christian Education

Friday, July 5, 2013


I am growing a home garden this year, which I hope becomes a part of my daily routine, as living in the desert affords one the opportunity to garden all year long.

I am also taking a lifestyle change serious; I am replacing two meals and sometimes three, with fruit and vegetable smoothies.  I am watching my caloric intake and getting more activity with the garden.  I hope to freeze or eat and share what I can.   I am dedicated to showing my children that you can really learn to love veggies and they are best made into a smoothie and served over ice!

I will be posting pictures of my crops and talking about where I like to get advice and products for gardening and eating healthy.

Update Sept 29th, 2012

I have had some success with my garden.  I planted things at the wrong time, so I will try and follow the growing schedule better.

I also started jogging, in my home, with brand new amazing shoes that make my feet feel great!  I love jogging about 30 minutes.  I would have never guessed I'd ever be a jogger, especially at 70 lbs over my ideal weight and with a bad hip and bad knees.  They are getting stronger and feeling better.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


My ladies Bible Study group has been reading Nehemiah: A Heart That Can Break by Kelly Minter.  It is an amazing study and is helping me to change my life in exciting new ways.

I've given up many TV shows I used to watch as well as Facebook because I feel God put it in my heart to focus more on things that bring me closer to Him.  I gave up these things because they brought up feelings that Christ already died for and were bringing me down.  I was seeing that people, even people who profess to be Christians don't have God in them.  The devil is all about stealing, killing, and destroying,
 New International Version (©1984)
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
I want my life in full.  There are great people on Facebook and on TV, but I know that I am sensitive, I have a gift of discerning spirits and until I learn to submit this gift to the LORD, I need to sever my connection to some types of entertainment.  I am closing my gates to these things now.  

The Nehemiah study has helped me to come out of my comfort zone and identify with the poor in wealth and the poor in spirit.  I am trusting God to help me get my MFT license and completing a program to become an ordained minister with A/G in the future because I want to be a Pastoral Counselor and a practicing Therapist.  I have a heart that can break and I am a wounded healer who wants to help others.

Sermon on the Web

Sometimes I miss church do to illness and I love listening to the sermons from the pastors in these churches
Faith Assembly in Imperial, CA and Hamilton Assembly of God in Hamilton, MT.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Time to Get in Shape?

I'm in shape, round is a shape, right?
I am searching for ways to stay active as a busy SAHM and get exercise and I have narrowed down my choices for now as in home activities such as pilates, basic body weight lifting exercises without weights and riding my stationary bike.  I stretch a lot and work in my yard, too.

I would love to be a jogger or a runner or even a fast walker, but half of the year it is too hot to go outside or bring my kids along.  But, I am still looking forward to finding ways to do this, like putting them in a wagon or using the dual seat bike car we bought that has only been used twice!

Another reason I don't push high impact exercise on myself is that I have a flat arch in my left foot and bad arthritis in both of my feet.  It doesn't help that I am nearly 85 lbs overweight!   I have lost 8 lbs in the last few weeks by eating healthier and I think I found a food lifestyle that I plan to stick with.

I found this site for those of us who are more couch potato than runner bean!

Update:  I am now using Intermittent Fasting, Weight Watchers Points plus and have looked into eating the foods in Happy Hormones, Slim Belly. 

Information on Intermittent Fasting is on Dr. Mercola's site.

I use a third party program to follow Weight Watchers.  Here for Android and here for iPhone.  It has really helped.  Although veggies are still free.  I count some fruit, especially if it is in a recipe or a smoothie.  Otherwise I would never lose weight.  If you only eat veggies and fruit, then you'll have to contact Weight Watchers to find out how to count them. 

Some apps for exercise are Sworkit, Workout Trainer by Skimble, iCircuit Training, All In Yoga

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

So Long Insecurity!

My church's Women's Bible Study just finished an amazing journey today from Beth Moore's book So Long Insecurity - You've Been a Bad Friend to Us!

We used the study guide as well to prompt deeper insight into the things and people who bring about insecurity in us. 

I highly recommend this book and I will be reading it often!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Precious moment

Most every night my little girl requires me to stay with her as she falls asleep.  She's almost 3 and I use this time to not only lull her to sleep but to teach her about her Lord.  I sing a lengthy prayer to her as she holds my finger with her little hand.  I sing it in the fashion of structure of the Lord's prayer, but personalize it.  Then when I am done I sing her a song about how God is watching over her and will protect her while she sleeps.  Her crying stops and she falls asleep when she hears these comforting words about her Lord. 

I feel all my love poured out on her when we cuddle at night.  I ask her to forgive me for being short-tempered and I tell her that I forgive her for when she didn't listen to me.  I am trying to foster forgiveness and love at an early age, even if she doesn't have the ability to totally understand it.  I see some understanding and it is growing all the time.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Very First Day of Blog

Happy Birthday, Daddy! It's DH's Birthday, today!  And this blog's Birth Day!
